Sunday, April 16, 2006


This year for Easter, we were at my aunt's mom's sis. Judy is such a great cook and her home is always so warm and inviting. The only thing that bugs me...and it shouldn't bug me but it that there are always strangers at every holiday at her house. Strangers. That is a not-so-nice way to put it...but I don't know these one but my aunt or my uncle know these people (and most of the time my uncle doesn't know 'em either.) Now, don't get me wrong.....I bring my friends to holidays. So does my sis....but everyone KNOWS our friends. Judy just invites any random person...not necessarily a friend, who she hears doesn't have plans for the holidays. I swear...if she was in King Soopers and overheard someone saying they didn't have plans for a holiday....that person would be sitting next to me at the table. This holiday was no different. There were 2 random teenagers who insisted on making out in front of everyone and this guy named Bruce there. I come to find out later that one of the 2 teenagers is a wayyy distant cousin of mine. Oh. Hum. And the guy Bruce goes to their church. He looks to be about 50-ish and he rides a motorcycle....BUT he dresses like a 50 year old guy. I hope that makes sense...but he just screams "mid-life crisis" and told me 3 times that he rode his motorcycle here.
"I rode my motorcycle here because it's so nice out."
"I better put my leather jacket on before I leave, even though it's so warm out...for safety on my motorcycle."
"I hope my motorcycle didn't block the driveway for you."
At one point I rolled my eyes....and my dad totally caught me and laughed. I got a sick feeling that Bruce had the hots for me. Anyway.
Even with the random people at was lovely to see my family. I sat with my Grandpa for hours and listened to him tell story after story. I have heard most of the stories before...but I love hearing him tell them. He tells them the same way time after time. Like he's reading his life story from a book inside of his head. Cherished moments for sure.
Natalie and Danny didn't show and didn't call. I could tell that it hurt my Mom's feelings. I think that she thinks that people judge her when her kids are inconsiderate. Maybe they do. I don't. Natalie is an adult and needs to be more respectful. RSVP. RSVP. It means Respondez S'il Vous Plait. Simply translated RESPOND. Respond YES. Respond NO. Respond MAYBE. Just FREAKING Respond.

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