Sunday, October 26, 2008

Best Buy Part I

I walked into Best Buy packing my $50 gift card. I wanted 2 things; Sex and The City the movie on DVD and a radio to listen to at the gym.

My trip to Best Buy Part I:
I start winding the "music" section....looking for a radio....hopefully one that is small.....easy to use at the gym. I am not having any luck. I ask his teenager in the store, "Hi, I am looking for an AM/FM radio to wear as I work out." She gives me this puzzled look, "Do you want to download music to it?" "No, I just want an AM/FM a walk man," I respond. She looks totally confused. Seriously....has she never heard of a walk man? Damn I am old. She then says to me, "Do you want an Ipod or an MP3 player?" "Sorry, no, I want a $20 piece of equipment that I can listen to local radio stations," I say. She stops one associate and tells him what I am looking for. He says, "Oh I don't think we have stuff like that anymore". Shoot me now. WHAT? I work in radio....and people can't buy freaking radios anymore? OK. Finally she asks a manger. The manager points us to the very back of the store. They have 3 small work-out radios in stock that wrap around your arms as you work out. I felt like such a douche. I just wanted some crappy thing I could throw in my gym bag....freaking shoot me. Ha.

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