Monday, December 12, 2005

He asked you Wha? Wha? WHAT?

This past weekend my parents hosted an Open House for the entire family. Both sides. Which is a huge deal because when we do family things it's either with one side of the family or the other....never both. My aunt (my mom's sis) commented that she hadn't seen my cousin Chris (Dad's side) since he was a teenager. Chris has been married twice (and divorced twice) and has a 3 year that will give you some perspective on how long it's been. My sister and her new boyfriend were gonna be in town from my mom decided to gather up the family. The food was amazing and it was so great to chat up my grandparents...they are feisty folks...and they crack me up. It was great to see my sister and her new boyfriend, Danny, seemed like a nice guy. He had a long sleeved sweater on...and I could see that both of his forearms are covered in tattoos.
So after everyone mom, dad, brother and I were sitting around talking and half watching "Harry Potter". And my dad says, "So do you think Natalie is really into this new guy?" And I say, "No more than the other ones she always brings around."  And my dad says, "Well, I think he's really into her." And I say, "Yea, I bet he is." And then my dad says, "Well he asked your mom and I for our permission to MARRY Natalie." As the little conversation bubble is still hanging out of my dad's mouth...suddenly....I am sitting there with my mouth open....and a wave of heat flushes my face. "He asked you...wha? wha? WHAT? What did you say to him? They have only dated for like 5 months. She's barely 24 years old!!!" My dad shrugged and said, "I told him that if he was my daughter's choice, then he was my choice." Then... silence. We all sat there and thought about the upcoming engagement and wedding.

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