Not to toot my own horn, but I have always considered myself a cool manager. My management style revolves around my ability to motivate my staff by positive feedback. I am a cheer leader of sorts. I wouldn't consider myself a bitchy co-worker or bitchy boss on any level. I am quick with an atta-boy and a thank you. However, I am also a tough boss. I expect...and get results. I work everyday to make sure that I share my expectations with my team and make sure that we set goals that will make sure we win. I am honest and straight forward and my team always knows where I stand and what I think of their performance. No games and guess work.
My management style is not working at my current employment. I am 2nd in command in our office of 15. We recently did a manager's retreat where all of us took a personality test called DISC Assessment. I LOVE personality profiles and tests. Love them. When I got my results back I scoured the 27 pages of results. The profile read like an exact description of me. It was nuts. I am a relationship person who loves to get results by positive feedback and team work. Correct - check! I have a high attention to detail and expect that of the people around me. Check. I have no patience for micro-management. Check. Double check. It went on and on. It was awesome. I often find myself opening the file and re-reading the results. I am fascinated. Anyway. Much to my chagrin, I was the only person on our management team who scored this way. The retreat facilitator told me that I was a "diamond in the rough". She explained that my daily work interaction with our team will prove to be frustrating for me. And...that my team may find it frustrating to work with me. Sweet. I think they should give this test BEFORE hiring people. Ha. Actually....the company where the facilitator works...does give this test to prospective make sure they will fit in the company community profile. Interesting. Anyway. I had a long frustrating conversation with my boss yesterday that revolved around the fact that I feel that I have to fight my employees every step of the way. I am so used to giving a project to the team and they take it and run with it. They GOT the job DONE. Not here. I hear bitching. Moaning. Blah Blah Blah. You wanna know what advice my boss gave me? She told me I need to change my management style and be a bitch. I need to scare them into doing their job. WTF? According to her...I guess I should have a freak out that scares the entire office into thinking I am some sort of "loose cannon" that will fire anyone for looking at me wrong. Maybe I will adopt a twitch when I walk that makes me look a little C-RAZ-YEEEEE. Ha. That'll teach 'em...huh?
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