Our dog is a 6 year old Black Lab named Barkley. He's a gentle soul who gives the sweetest doggy "hugs" by leaning his thick body into you. I just love that dude. He is so tolerant of the cat Sasha who often gives him rapid-fire smacks on his snout. Smack-smack-smack-smack-smack-smack. He just walks away from her. For the record, she doesn't use her claws when she smacks him...and often leans up to give him a nose-to-nose kiss after the abuse. It's sweet. Here's a pic of them hanging out looking out the window.
Barkley HATES to have his toe nails cut. He howls and cries this awful noise that is just too much to describe. We take him to the vet and pay them $40 to cut them for us. They plan ahead for Barkley's visit and always have 3-4 staff there to hold him. Sweet. He got them cut today...and he howled so much that the other dogs were howling too. He stirred up such a ruckus that a large white bird there to have it's nails cut started freaking out and flapping it's wings and squawking so loud. I am sure that bird was like if that big strong dog is in that much pain....I am IN for IT when it's my turn. Ha. He's so dramatic. It's embarrassing. And funny. He also got his temperature taken anally today and REALLY let the doctor know that he was NOT happy. I have to giggle a little....but you have no idea how loud and tortured this sound is. One time I was at the OTHER end of the Petsmart and could hear him howling. Other customers were saying to each other, "what in the world is that noise?" Ha. Oh our sweet boy.
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