Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Weed be gone

I didn't go to Chicago this past weekend to see Maria & Brian. Brian's grandma passed away 3 days before I was to leave....and they needed to go to Michigan for the funeral. It was a blessing for her to pass...but bad timing to say the least. I am bummed. I need to find another weekend to get out there.....soon.

I have been sleeping like crap. I wake up at 1:30 am....wide awake. Toss. Turn. Toss. Toss. Toss. Turn. I can't turn my brain off....planning my next work meeting, my next speech, reviewing project much stuff going on. For over a week now I have been wide awake for at least 4 hours each night. Sucks big time. Yawn.

My friend Katie and I play this morbid game where when someone famous dies....we send a text message to each other with only the deceased famous person's name. The first person to announce the death...wins. Sick? Hell yes. It was Katie's idea. Not mine. Ha. Sue me. Yesterday I was in Greeley training a new employee and I get a text from Katie. I take a peek at it. It reads....HEATH LEDGER. Dang. I shout at my phone..."NO...he has a small kid. Ewh!" My new employee now thinks I am a crack smoker. Oh well. I digress. What a tragic loss. Funny how I mourn the loss of someone I have never met....hell...I haven't even seen 1/2 of his movies. Still I find it horribly sad.

Years ago I set up this website that sends me an email reminding me of people's birthdays. I can't remember the password to update the remove the name's of people that I don't keep in touch with...people who I have 'weeded my garden' of. I don't want to unsubscribe to the website...because so many of the people I get the birthday reminder emails about....I still want to know about. However, once in a while, a blast from the past makes me crack up. I got one today. Weed be gone. POOF!

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