NYE was a blast. We started at Todd's friend's house. Fun. Good times. Tons of ankle bitters running about fueled by sugar and carbs. Everyone was very interested in our wedding plans and I really like Todd's friends. All good people. The party at the hotel did not disappoint. It was fun to hang with Paul & Sharon & Sara & Fizz. We danced and partied into the new year. Cheers to you all my naughty monkeys (a la Craig Ferguson...ha). Here's my favorite picture from the night. Self portrait of our New Years KISS!
So here's a story for ya. We got to the hotel party a little early and stood in line for the doors to open. We were able to score a table. Since it was just the 2 of us at the time...and it was a table for 8...I kept inviting couples to sit down with us. The scene was the same each time. A couple standing by the doors with a drink and a full plate of food scanning the room looking for a place to sit and eat. I would wave 'em in and ask them to join us. Met some great people. The first couple was interesting. They were in their 40's...dating...not married. The woman runs a company for thank you cards. She has created a software that people may use to type up their "thank you" cards, and the software will print them up in YOUR handwritting. I didn't completely grasp what she was saying...it was loud. Anyway. They announced that they were going to go grab their jackets to head outside to watch the fireworks show at 9 pm. They are walking towards the door and turn to say goodbye. I glance up and wave. She says, "Watch our stuff (wave) thanks!" Wha? She had left her purse and he had left his tuxedo jacket. WTF? We JUST met these people and they expect me to sit at this table and watch their crap while they go watch a fireworks show. Hell and no. OK OK...if you know me...you KNOW that we watched their crap. But STILL. I am a sucker. Ha. I am always entertained by people. Happy New Year!
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