Sunday, December 10, 2006

Home Make Over

I used to really like the show Make Over Home Edition...until it got painfully cheesy. They were working too hard to make the show "good tv"....really laying the sad story on THICK. Regardless, I still catch the show once in a while. More often than not, I think to myself.... how in the world are these people... who are down on their luck...going to pay the taxes on the prize they just won...a house. in the world will they afford to heat or turn on the lights in a house that big? I wish I didn't know all of the legalities with prizes and the taxes...ruins some tv shows for me. Anyway. Tonight's show really got the water works going.....I had tears streaming down my face about 10 times while watching the show. The family being helped was a couple and their small daughter. The mom was a LA police officer when she was shot in the line of duty and became a paraplegic. Her wish was to be able to be more self-sufficient. To be able to bathe herself, get in bed herself and most importantly, to be able to care for their be able to pick her up...put her to bed...just be a MOM. The house that the folks from MOHE built for the family was A-MAZ-ING! Now that's good tv.
As a side note, when MOHE came to Colorado for a Make Over...they worked closely with a local non-profit to find a family to help. I know a girl who works there. She said that her organization basically opened their doors and files to the families who were interested in talking to the MOHE folks about their story. The MOHE folks narrowed the search down to 2 families. After doing a more thorough background check it was discovered that the husband had a history of domestic violence. The other criminal history...but didn't have quite as bad of a know...a bad story that would make good tv. Anyway...they picked the family with the bad-dad....and he ended up being arrested and is probably either in jail or prison for.... yup... you guessed it...domestic violence. Sheesh.

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