I hear you....over it. But I saw these stats and was shocked...and then not shocked at all. Check out what a world wide hysteria Michael Jackson's death caused. These digital stats are nutty....saying that nearly 40 million people watched his memorial on line....gulp....40 million. Think about the people watched it live on tv...or tivo'ed it. Holy-freaking-crap.
CNN: 10.5 million live streams (second-highest ever—topped only by the Obama inauguration); 781,000 concurrent streams; 15.6 million unique visitors; Quite a bit of “citizen journalism” action as well: there were 646 Michael Jackson-related submissions to iReport, 31 of which CNN used on air or on CNN.com.
Msnbc.com: 19 million total streams (surpassed the record set during its online coverage of the 2009 inauguration); 510,000 concurrent streams; over 75,000 Michael Jackson-related tweets through its live feed/Tinker integration.
Yahoo: 5 million total streams (blowing away the 1.8 million streams during the Obama inauguration)—but fewer concurrent streams: 385,000 simultaneous streamers for Jackson’s memorial, compared to 430,000 for the inauguration.
ABC: 6 million live streams (across ABCnews.com and partner sites including Yahoo and Charter); over 500,000 hits to its mobile news site m.abcnews.com; 50,000 status updates through Facebook Connect.
FoxNews.com: 3.4 million total streams (compared to 5 million on Inauguration Day); over 676,800 concurrent streams.
E! Online: Around 87,000 streams through Facebook Connect; 939,000 unique visits and 6.9 million page views.
Come & relax now~Put your troubles down~No need to bear the weight of your worries~You let them all fade away~
Friday, July 17, 2009
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Want to know what stresses me out every-single-day? Freaking what to make for dinner. My beloved husband is a picky eater. Before we were married I used to just start cooking when I got home...whatever popped in my head first. Todd would eat it...and not say one word. But I would notice he didn't eat much...and would often have a bowl of cereal later. But now that we are married....it's somehow different. Now if I start cooking before he gets home without asking what he is in the mood for.... sweet my Todd will come home and say he wasn't in the mood for that and have cereal 9 times out of 10. Ha.
Now, please folks, please don't think that I am complaining or bitching about my huz....even though most of you are shaking your head and thinking.....Damn. Just cook and he can freaking eat cereal every night right? Hahah. I know that most husbands are just thrilled to have a hot meal and would eat cardboard if we put gravy on it. However, Todd does like what he likes. And I love him for it. And from what I can tell...what he wants for dinner depends on 2 elements. One, the weather, if it's hot as hell he wants something light for dinner. I guess that is reasonable right? And two, what he had for lunch that day. If he had a light lunch or an early lunch, he wants pasta or a casserole or something in the meat and potatoes department.
So picture our house around dinner time. I have reviewed the freezer and pantry and have come up with 3 options for dinner. He tells me the top 2 he wants and I pick the one I want from those 2 options. I just read what I typed and think I am crazy as a shit-house rat to do this...but we do things for the ones we love...right?
Man...I kinda feel like a bitch posting this....but this is a day in my life...and this shit stresses me out.
Now, please folks, please don't think that I am complaining or bitching about my huz....even though most of you are shaking your head and thinking.....Damn. Just cook and he can freaking eat cereal every night right? Hahah. I know that most husbands are just thrilled to have a hot meal and would eat cardboard if we put gravy on it. However, Todd does like what he likes. And I love him for it. And from what I can tell...what he wants for dinner depends on 2 elements. One, the weather, if it's hot as hell he wants something light for dinner. I guess that is reasonable right? And two, what he had for lunch that day. If he had a light lunch or an early lunch, he wants pasta or a casserole or something in the meat and potatoes department.
So picture our house around dinner time. I have reviewed the freezer and pantry and have come up with 3 options for dinner. He tells me the top 2 he wants and I pick the one I want from those 2 options. I just read what I typed and think I am crazy as a shit-house rat to do this...but we do things for the ones we love...right?
Man...I kinda feel like a bitch posting this....but this is a day in my life...and this shit stresses me out.
Even today
Even today when I see a picture of Scott Peterson, the man who murdered his beautiful wife and unborn son...I curl my lip in disgust. He makes me sick to my stomach. I just saw a story where his parents have exhausted all of their financial resources to fund his appeal cases and they are asking the general public to donate $5-$50 to his cause on some website. His family was quoted saying "many hands make light work." Really? Suck it. No way in the world would I donate to you. It pisses me off that he gets to play cards and basketball 5 hours a day. His son would be 6 years old now....I bet he would like to play for 5 hours a day with his mom. The fact that he spends the other 19 hours a day in a 4'x9' cell doesn't give me any solace either. Sorry. I just had to vent.
Saturday, July 04, 2009
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Bob and Rebecca's wedding
Whoa...I can't believe I haven't posted about their wedding. What-a-freaking-blast! The Redstone Inn rocks. It's so beautiful there. The drive to Redstone was equally as fab. Redstone Colorado was a huge mining town back in the day. The Redstone Inn was formally housing for the single miners before it was converted to an Inn/Resort. The miners with family lived in the houses on the one road that runs through town. The whole weekend was wonderful. My brother looked so handsome. Rebecca looked like a princess. It was cool. Bob was so freaking nervous...it was sweet. For their first dance they did a choreographed fox trot to Madonna's song "Music". I could NOT believe it....even though I knew they were gonna do it. Totally outside of Bob's comfort zone...which is what made it even cooler. The party continued into the wee hours of the morning and people ended up in the pool in their bras and undies (er...not me....come on peeps). Blast! They get home from over a week in Hawaii today. Aloha newlyweds. xoxo
Hysterosalpingogram. What a big word. Say that word 10 times fast. Ha. It's the test that I had yesterday. You learn these kinds of words when you are having trouble getting pregnant. Test after test after test. Overall the test...not horrible. Took about 15 minutes once I was in there and undressed. The parts I didn't like....The whole checking into the outpatient area of the hospital. Freaky. The cold table. The nurse who stood over me and kept asking me if I was ok. I just wanted to close my eyes and sing the "meow meow" song...and imagine myself in Hawaii. She wanted to make sure I hadn't fainted (or as she told me afterwards) Oh...and I hated the large piece of XRay equipment that made me feel trapped and claustrophobic. Those were the only bad things. I didn't have the intense cramping I was warned about. Phew. I took the whole day off. It was a good mental health day for me. Good news. The doctor told me that my fallopian tubes are open and everything looked good.
Todd came home last night and brought in the mail. I had 12 pieces of mail for me. Of those 12....9 were invoices for my tons of tests and doctor visits. I needed a glass of wine to open all of them. I spent 30 minutes today on the phone with the testing lab contesting charge. Ahhh good times. But I did get her to take the charge off. Victory for me.
As I layed on the cold table....my head wandered. At what point do we start talking about adoption? *Sigh*
Todd came home last night and brought in the mail. I had 12 pieces of mail for me. Of those 12....9 were invoices for my tons of tests and doctor visits. I needed a glass of wine to open all of them. I spent 30 minutes today on the phone with the testing lab contesting charge. Ahhh good times. But I did get her to take the charge off. Victory for me.
As I layed on the cold table....my head wandered. At what point do we start talking about adoption? *Sigh*
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Michael Jackson Dies at 50
At around 3 pm today at the radio station...we heard early reports that Michael Jackson had died. I felt sick. Poor tortured soul....MJ. I just read last week that he had sold out 50 concert nights in Europe and that he had been rehearsing in LA for his come-back tour for the past 2 months. Think about...he was such a recluse for so many years...and Michael was going to do a comeback tour. *Sigh* Maybe he wasn't as excited as we were about a come-back. Who knows.
When we got the confirmation that he had passed....I was very sad. And I thought about Farrah Fawcett and the fact that she passed away earlier today...and now won't get her night in the news. Poor MJ...I wish you had a chance for your come-back. Regardless of some of the less than popular behavior...you were a rock icon...and I salute your work. RIP MJ.
When we got the confirmation that he had passed....I was very sad. And I thought about Farrah Fawcett and the fact that she passed away earlier today...and now won't get her night in the news. Poor MJ...I wish you had a chance for your come-back. Regardless of some of the less than popular behavior...you were a rock icon...and I salute your work. RIP MJ.
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
The Break Up
Dear Dave Matthews,
It's over. I am sorry to say it...but...we have to break up. I know we have been together since the beginning even before you were huge....selling out 80,000 seat venues. Sorry...but it's over. I tried to hard to make it work. I have seen every concert in Colorado since 1994. I have purchased every album and most of your concert DVDs...I even have 2 books about you. And yet, for the 3rd summer in a row, you have not included Colorado on your tour schedule. I feel jilted. I feel jipped. There is a radio station here in Colorado who was one of the first radio stations EVER to play your music...and yet...you don't come see us. Five years ago you left us off your tour schedule too and a friend and I drove to Albuquerque New Mexico. Really? Albuquerque and no Colorado. Fire your tour director. I digress. Back to us. *Sigh* It's over. I am not even going to go buy your new album...even though I have heard it's good.
Your ex, Emily
It's over. I am sorry to say it...but...we have to break up. I know we have been together since the beginning even before you were huge....selling out 80,000 seat venues. Sorry...but it's over. I tried to hard to make it work. I have seen every concert in Colorado since 1994. I have purchased every album and most of your concert DVDs...I even have 2 books about you. And yet, for the 3rd summer in a row, you have not included Colorado on your tour schedule. I feel jilted. I feel jipped. There is a radio station here in Colorado who was one of the first radio stations EVER to play your music...and yet...you don't come see us. Five years ago you left us off your tour schedule too and a friend and I drove to Albuquerque New Mexico. Really? Albuquerque and no Colorado. Fire your tour director. I digress. Back to us. *Sigh* It's over. I am not even going to go buy your new album...even though I have heard it's good.
Your ex, Emily
Dress Barn
Seriously? Why would a company call their women's clothing store the Dress Barn? Really? What message does that send? "Hi, we are the Dress Barn, you have to be as big as a bard-yard animal to shop here." or "Hi, we are the Dress Barn, you will look like you live in a barn in our clothes." Honestly the-worst-name. I *swore* I would never ever ever never shop there.
Cut to this week. I was at David's Bridal looking for a dress for Bob's wedding this weekend. (Last year, when I was shopping with Erin J for our wedding dresses....we went there to discover that David's Bridal has a great selection of party dresses off the rack.) I digress. So I started there. Swing and a miss. Right next door is the dreaded Dress Barn....no other clothing stores around and I am on a time crunch. I have put off buying the dress until the week of the wedding...and gave myself 1 hour to find one during my busy work schedule. I found a pretty dress...and no I don't look like I live in a barn...I hope ;)
Cut to this week. I was at David's Bridal looking for a dress for Bob's wedding this weekend. (Last year, when I was shopping with Erin J for our wedding dresses....we went there to discover that David's Bridal has a great selection of party dresses off the rack.) I digress. So I started there. Swing and a miss. Right next door is the dreaded Dress Barn....no other clothing stores around and I am on a time crunch. I have put off buying the dress until the week of the wedding...and gave myself 1 hour to find one during my busy work schedule. I found a pretty dress...and no I don't look like I live in a barn...I hope ;)
Other people's problems - OPP
I have started reading blogs by other women...women I don't know...who have PCOS too. This is one Em P forwarded to me that she reads. I feel comfort from realizing that I am not alone...while reading about other people's problems. And sometimes...I get scared and sad that I will never get pregnant.
I have faith.
I have faith.
Friday, June 05, 2009
Bob's wedding
I am so excited for Bob and Rebecca's wedding in 2 weeks. How freaking fun. Rebecca has the best family...they are so cool and fun. I will post pics! The wedding is at Redstone Lodge in Carbondale. Road trip! Good times!
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Best regards from Norway
I get emails from all over the world from people whose hobby involves them trying to listen to AM radio stations from all over the world. They find me on our station website as a contact. I am fascinated by these people. I listen to their recordings and can't believe they can hear our radio station on the other side of the world when there are people in the Denver metro who can't hear our little AM station. Ha. I get how it works and understand how an AM signal travels...I just think it's cool. Here's a note I got today.
I got your e-mail address from Norwegian DX-er Ole Forr, who had written to you regarding the reception of KEZW Radio on 1430 AM here in Europe.
Just like Ole, I have also been able to receive KEZW on 1430 AM at my place. At my place, KEZW is a very rare catch. I can receive a number of AM stations from the USA and Canada, but usually only stations from the East coast only (from Newfoundland down to Florida). Hearing stations located further inland is not common, and hearing stations as far west as the Rockies is exceptional! You are the very first station I have ever been able to receive from Colorado, so your AM transmitter must be doing really well!
So far I have only been able to pick up your signals on the AM band only on one occasion. On January 13, 2007, I could receive KEZW for about an hour or so in the morning my local time, or in the middle of the night your local time there in Colorado. I am enclosing an audio file with a 50 second long recording of KEZW as received here in Norway this winter morning, at 2.16 a.m. Mountain Time. On this recording, there is a pretty clear (bearing in mind the distance) station identification for “Studio 1430”. Would it be possible for you to listen in to this recording and confirm that I was able to pick up the signal of KEZW here in Norway?
The radio equipment used when receiving your signal was a SDR-IQ communications receiver and an antenna wire which was nearly 800 metres long. Using such a long antenna is a big advantage when it comes to receiving long distance radio signals on AM, but the antenna sure takes a lot of space. .
I am 40 years old and have been listening to foreign radio stations on short- and mediumwave since I was a kid. Now my main interest lies in catching weak signals from radio stations on mediumwave and on the tropical bands on shortwave. Even in the times of the Internet and satellite TV and radio, it is still interesting to see how far away a signal from a radio station with limited power such as KEZW can reach and which radio stations it is possible to hear here in Norway.
My radio hobby is a hobby for the long Scandinavian fall and winter nights. Apart from this hobby, I am also into computing, sports and nature. I am also very fond of travelling as I am very interested in foreign countries and in foreign cultures. I am living in the small town of Lunde in Southern Norway (2 hours by train south west of the capital Oslo) where I am working at the local college in my region - Telemark University College.
I would appreciate very much if you verified that I heard your station. It would be very nice to receive a verification letter, card or an e-mail from you, simply saying that I really heard your station. I am collecting such verifications from the radio stations which I am able to hear at my place.
Well, I hope you enjoy hearing that the signals of KEZW can sometimes reach as far away as Norway on 1430 AM too. It should imply that your AM transmitter is doing quite well!
Thanks a lot for your help and hope to hear from you again soon.
Best regards from Norway, Arild
I got your e-mail address from Norwegian DX-er Ole Forr, who had written to you regarding the reception of KEZW Radio on 1430 AM here in Europe.
Just like Ole, I have also been able to receive KEZW on 1430 AM at my place. At my place, KEZW is a very rare catch. I can receive a number of AM stations from the USA and Canada, but usually only stations from the East coast only (from Newfoundland down to Florida). Hearing stations located further inland is not common, and hearing stations as far west as the Rockies is exceptional! You are the very first station I have ever been able to receive from Colorado, so your AM transmitter must be doing really well!
So far I have only been able to pick up your signals on the AM band only on one occasion. On January 13, 2007, I could receive KEZW for about an hour or so in the morning my local time, or in the middle of the night your local time there in Colorado. I am enclosing an audio file with a 50 second long recording of KEZW as received here in Norway this winter morning, at 2.16 a.m. Mountain Time. On this recording, there is a pretty clear (bearing in mind the distance) station identification for “Studio 1430”. Would it be possible for you to listen in to this recording and confirm that I was able to pick up the signal of KEZW here in Norway?
The radio equipment used when receiving your signal was a SDR-IQ communications receiver and an antenna wire which was nearly 800 metres long. Using such a long antenna is a big advantage when it comes to receiving long distance radio signals on AM, but the antenna sure takes a lot of space. .
I am 40 years old and have been listening to foreign radio stations on short- and mediumwave since I was a kid. Now my main interest lies in catching weak signals from radio stations on mediumwave and on the tropical bands on shortwave. Even in the times of the Internet and satellite TV and radio, it is still interesting to see how far away a signal from a radio station with limited power such as KEZW can reach and which radio stations it is possible to hear here in Norway.
My radio hobby is a hobby for the long Scandinavian fall and winter nights. Apart from this hobby, I am also into computing, sports and nature. I am also very fond of travelling as I am very interested in foreign countries and in foreign cultures. I am living in the small town of Lunde in Southern Norway (2 hours by train south west of the capital Oslo) where I am working at the local college in my region - Telemark University College.
I would appreciate very much if you verified that I heard your station. It would be very nice to receive a verification letter, card or an e-mail from you, simply saying that I really heard your station. I am collecting such verifications from the radio stations which I am able to hear at my place.
Well, I hope you enjoy hearing that the signals of KEZW can sometimes reach as far away as Norway on 1430 AM too. It should imply that your AM transmitter is doing quite well!
Thanks a lot for your help and hope to hear from you again soon.
Best regards from Norway, Arild
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Eastern medicine
My friend Em P told me that her sister Meg went to an acupuncturist that specialized in infertility and gave me his name. She also suggested I reach out to Meg and tell her my story. Meg also had fertility issues (Note: HAD fertility issues...she has one daughter and is pregnant with her 2nd...and due any minute) :-) That was the best advice I could have ever gotten. Meghan was a light in the dark for me. She understood the isolation we feel when we are having trouble getting pregnant. She said that there was a medical study done on depression...with woman who are terminally ill and woman who are experiencing infertility and the woman with infertility issues were MORE depressed that the women with a terminal illness. Sigh. So Todd and I went and saw the acupuncturist 2 weeks ago. A-maz-ing. I ovulated the NEXT day. What the? I had never had a positive ovulation kit. I have seen him 2 more times in the last 2 weeks. I had a 28 day cycle this month. This is a step in the right direction. Ovulation and a regular period in 2 weeks. I am ALL IN. I feel better. I have a good outlook. This is good stuff.
On a side note, my mom told me yesterday that she had 4 periods a year her whole life. The same 4 months every year. Now she has 3 kids....so if she can do it....so can I. PCOS is genetic too...so maybe my mom had it too. She had a hysterectomy years ago...so we will never know. My mom's sister was told she could never have kids...she had a son.
Todd has been on a fishing trip with the boys for a week...he is due home any minute. I-CAN'T-FREAKING-WAIT to see him.
On a side note, my mom told me yesterday that she had 4 periods a year her whole life. The same 4 months every year. Now she has 3 kids....so if she can do it....so can I. PCOS is genetic too...so maybe my mom had it too. She had a hysterectomy years ago...so we will never know. My mom's sister was told she could never have kids...she had a son.
Todd has been on a fishing trip with the boys for a week...he is due home any minute. I-CAN'T-FREAKING-WAIT to see him.
Saturday, April 25, 2009
When I was diagnosed with PCOS I started searching for information, support and treatment options. I know that PCOS is not curable....but treatable. I found this great newsletter that has some useful information. Here is the latest newsletter.
Me Part Deux
About 2 months ago my doctor called me to check in. It was 9:30 at night and I was exhausted and had drank a glass of wine and was working on my second. The second I heard her voice I burst into tears. I had started my period that day and was at a loss. (Sidebar: For those of you who don't know me....I don't cry about stuff for me. I cry at movies and good Hallmark commercials...but that is it) Anyway. She was talking me off the ledge and I said, "I know, I know, I get all of that. But to add insult to injury I have gained a bunch of weight with NO change in lifestyle. I just don't get it." Silence on the other end. "You have gained weight?" (Note, when she met me I had already packed on the extra pounds...) She asked me to come in the next morning for a few more tests. She told me at the appointment she suspected that I may have Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome. There were 3 tests I had to take to see if I have PCOS. Long story shorter...I was diagnosed with PCOS. At least I had an answer to the changes in my body and why we have had trouble getting pregnant.
Treatment. I started taking Medformin. I lost 7 pounds right out of the gate and started feeling better within days. Success. A step in the right direction.
Moving on...I also have issues with my thyroid. My family history includes thyroid cancer in my mom, both grandmothers, my uncle, my aunt and one great grandmother. Wow huh? I went to go see an endocrinologist. Your thyroid can also cause problems getting pregnant. I wanted to see if this could be an issue too. Oh...and your thyroid can make you gain weight too. Sweet! So I sat in her office and listened to her rattle off stats about how hard it will be for me to get pregnant and how hard it will be for us to have a successful pregnancy. She was rattling off stat after stat...and I could feel my face getting hot and the tears starting to fill up my eyes....until they spilled over my eye lids and the water works were unstoppable. I was hysterical. When I got home I was telling Todd about my experience there...which I am sure only dogs and dolphins could understand my squawking. He carried me to the couch and brought me tissues and a blanket. He had NO idea how to help me stop crying...he just held me. He wanted to call that doctor and bitch her out. Sweet Todd. I have this theory on doctors.....1/2 of all doctors graduated in the bottom 1/2 of their class....she was surely an idiot with no bedside manor.
I am now fed up with western medicine and desperate for a new approach.
Treatment. I started taking Medformin. I lost 7 pounds right out of the gate and started feeling better within days. Success. A step in the right direction.
Moving on...I also have issues with my thyroid. My family history includes thyroid cancer in my mom, both grandmothers, my uncle, my aunt and one great grandmother. Wow huh? I went to go see an endocrinologist. Your thyroid can also cause problems getting pregnant. I wanted to see if this could be an issue too. Oh...and your thyroid can make you gain weight too. Sweet! So I sat in her office and listened to her rattle off stats about how hard it will be for me to get pregnant and how hard it will be for us to have a successful pregnancy. She was rattling off stat after stat...and I could feel my face getting hot and the tears starting to fill up my eyes....until they spilled over my eye lids and the water works were unstoppable. I was hysterical. When I got home I was telling Todd about my experience there...which I am sure only dogs and dolphins could understand my squawking. He carried me to the couch and brought me tissues and a blanket. He had NO idea how to help me stop crying...he just held me. He wanted to call that doctor and bitch her out. Sweet Todd. I have this theory on doctors.....1/2 of all doctors graduated in the bottom 1/2 of their class....she was surely an idiot with no bedside manor.
I am now fed up with western medicine and desperate for a new approach.
Friday, April 24, 2009
I have been writing posts for my blog and not posting them. Last week I deleted all the posts when I was feeling extra down. *Sigh* Until now I wasn't ready to tell the world (or the 3 people who read my blog) that I feel broken. Useless. Depressed.
We have been trying to get pregnant since our honeymoon and have....had...challenges. When we were first starting to try...I was so "whatever" about it. I shrugged off all of the "techniques" my friends shared and said I was never going to be that girl who stresses about getting pregnant. That lasted oh...let's say 3 months. After 3 months, I was like WTF? Why is this so hard? Seriously I see 10, pregnant 15 year olds everytime I go to the mall...can't-be-that-tough. In fact, when we started trying I told a friend of mine that if we got pregnant that month that the baby would be born in ___ month. That friend laughed at me and said, you know, many woman "your age" have trouble getting pregnant. I was kinda pissed but thought...well...not ME. I am usually GOOD at stuff I want and try hard enough to succeed at. No worries here. I-am-a-rock-star.
So after a few months, I started taking ovulation tests...never got a positive. I heard from a few friends who had kids that they never worked for them either. Shrug. I have spent a small fortune on those tests....and still never a positive. Ok. My cycles were 26 day, 42 days, 36 days, 47 days, 30 days...all over the board. I decided to find a fertility specialist. I started seeing her in September. Oh nelly...I had test after test after test. My poor arms were black and blue from blood draws. Is this the way to get pregnant?
So we keep trying. I get my hopes up each month...only to be crushed when my period comes. I have actually started playing head games with myself. One day I feel tired and think..."I just must be pregnant...I feel pregnant...must be!" And then I wasn't.... month after month....test after test. This makes me feel broken. Like 1/2 a woman. I feel bad for Todd. I know how badly he wants to be a dad...why can't I do this for him? For us? There must be a better way.
We have been trying to get pregnant since our honeymoon and have....had...challenges. When we were first starting to try...I was so "whatever" about it. I shrugged off all of the "techniques" my friends shared and said I was never going to be that girl who stresses about getting pregnant. That lasted oh...let's say 3 months. After 3 months, I was like WTF? Why is this so hard? Seriously I see 10, pregnant 15 year olds everytime I go to the mall...can't-be-that-tough. In fact, when we started trying I told a friend of mine that if we got pregnant that month that the baby would be born in ___ month. That friend laughed at me and said, you know, many woman "your age" have trouble getting pregnant. I was kinda pissed but thought...well...not ME. I am usually GOOD at stuff I want and try hard enough to succeed at. No worries here. I-am-a-rock-star.
So after a few months, I started taking ovulation tests...never got a positive. I heard from a few friends who had kids that they never worked for them either. Shrug. I have spent a small fortune on those tests....and still never a positive. Ok. My cycles were 26 day, 42 days, 36 days, 47 days, 30 days...all over the board. I decided to find a fertility specialist. I started seeing her in September. Oh nelly...I had test after test after test. My poor arms were black and blue from blood draws. Is this the way to get pregnant?
So we keep trying. I get my hopes up each month...only to be crushed when my period comes. I have actually started playing head games with myself. One day I feel tired and think..."I just must be pregnant...I feel pregnant...must be!" And then I wasn't.... month after month....test after test. This makes me feel broken. Like 1/2 a woman. I feel bad for Todd. I know how badly he wants to be a dad...why can't I do this for him? For us? There must be a better way.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Can You Dig It?

So this past weekend Todd and I were working in the yard. It was 70 degrees in the middle of March...gorgeous. I am digging up the rock garden and getting it ready for us to plant later. I freaking dug up 3 freaking Tiger Salamanders. Yes I did! I am a native. I have never seen or heard of these things living in the wild in Colorado. So I pick up the phone and call our local reptile store and lo and behold Tiger Salamanders are native to Colorado. These little buggers were about 4 inches long, black bodies with greenish/yellow spots on them. They apparently grow to be nearly a foot long. They mostly come out at night and when it rains. Seriously? Can you believe it? The guy at the reptile store told me that if we brought them to him he would give us a couple bucks each - he would sell them as pets. He also told us how to build a new nest for them....so we did.
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Attention Jay Cutler
Attention Jay Cutler. Ahem. Attention Jay Cutler. Listen to a caring Broncos fan. I know you are pissed. I know that our new coach did not handle this situation the best. I know you did not handle this situation the best. I know you got your feelings hurt. But my friend, you are acting like a pouty little girl by putting your house up on the market and threatening to not show up to training camp tomorrow. This is a business and you need to understand that everyone can be replaced. You should show up and be a leader. I want to see you in a Broncos uniform for many years to come. If you don't show up, then, see ya later sweetheart. I hope you get traded to someone we play so we can wipe that smart ass smile off your face.
Hello. My name is Emily and I am a Facebook-aholic. I love Facebook. I don't like the applications and quizzes and crap...I just like checking out pictures and status updates. Maybe I would be better served by just doing "Twitter". Anyway. I was thinking the other night that Facebook is simply on-line voyeurism. I have opened this portal to everyone who I have met over my 36 years on this planet to see what I am doing, pictures of what I am doing and what I am thinking. I guess this all started when an ex-boyfriend of mine posted a comment on one of my pictures. Things with this ex ended nasty including a law suit...but we got over it and moved on. I felt like saying...."what business it of yours?" I know. I know. I could just block him or not of allowed me to be a "friend" but that is not the point. I starting thinking, that he lost his chance/privilage to know how I am when he broke my heart....right? Facebook opens a door to your private life....and I guess we all have to see if what is on the other side of the door is something we want to share with the world. I posed this question the other night at happy hour with Erin and Emily P. And....Em P had a great point. She said, why wouldn't I want people to see how I am doing? I have a great life. A great husband. And I couldn't be happier. Good point Em. Cheers!
Wow...I just realized....
....that I didn't blog at all in February. It's been 2 months since I blogged. Bad.
Famous Last Words
For about 3 weeks now, a pipe in our master bath shower rings this annoying loud shrill noise when we have the water on. Annoying. I have been saying, "you think we should call a plumber?" Todd says, "oh no, I can fix it." Famous last words. On Friday morning I say, "I want to call a plumber to come out next week." Todd says, "I will fix it this weekend." Ok. Sunday afternoon at 2 pm Todd starts tearing apart the shower. I say, "babe, want me to just call a plumber?" Silence. I hear banging. I hear drilling. I hear cussing. After a couple trips to Home Depot and back Todd believes he has figured out the piece he needs....but needs to get it at an Ace Hardware. It's 4:50 pm. They close at 5 pm. So we have no running water. Thank God we have a 2nd shower. I won't beat him up for this one....he's taking care of that himself.
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Historic Day
I knew I wanted to post on this historic day....to try to capture the moment. Not really an easy task on a simple blog. I think the best way for me to express the sights and sounds of the inauguration of such a great man is by posting my friend's status updates on Facebook. I will use initials to protect the innocent :)
DM is thankful.
HT is giving the Mile High Salute to the 44th Commander in Chief.
EP is positive the day couldn't be any better. 70 degrees and Obama is President. Life is good.
RK feels a sense of calm and happiness today. Hope has been brought back.
LL is happy that she could watch Barack Obama at school today. What an historic event.
MB is thankful for the new President and hopeful for the future of our country.
JF is quoting Barack "On this day, we gather because we have chosen hope over fear, unity of purpose over conflict and discord."
IM says goodbye to evil, incomptetence, ignorance, racism, greed, corruption and stupidity and happily says hello to hope and change.
MS is ready
MG says brothers and sisters this is a great day. Hope over fear will win everytime. God bless Amercia.
TV is so happy to say I'm SO proud to be an American.
CA is listening to the new Prez.
LM is ready (2nd time for that one)
BT is very excited.
DF has Obama fever.
KP says "Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones we've been waiting for. We are the change that we seek."- Barack Obama.
SB is starting to get choked up already! :).
SW inagurates.
KL is excited for my niece, Kyla,(18) who is in D.C right now, what a great memory for her!
CR is excited about today's events!
EP is breathless with excitement.
MG is happy! We are finally getting a leader!!!!!
HR is proud to see this day.
SM can't wait to watch the inauguration - so excited and so proud!
DP is talking to NBC White House Correspondent Tom Costello, he's on the steps of the White House!! Amazing day!
LM is wondering what famous inspirational words will come from Barack Obama's speech today!
DM is thankful.
HT is giving the Mile High Salute to the 44th Commander in Chief.
EP is positive the day couldn't be any better. 70 degrees and Obama is President. Life is good.
RK feels a sense of calm and happiness today. Hope has been brought back.
LL is happy that she could watch Barack Obama at school today. What an historic event.
MB is thankful for the new President and hopeful for the future of our country.
JF is quoting Barack "On this day, we gather because we have chosen hope over fear, unity of purpose over conflict and discord."
IM says goodbye to evil, incomptetence, ignorance, racism, greed, corruption and stupidity and happily says hello to hope and change.
MS is ready
MG says brothers and sisters this is a great day. Hope over fear will win everytime. God bless Amercia.
TV is so happy to say I'm SO proud to be an American.
CA is listening to the new Prez.
LM is ready (2nd time for that one)
BT is very excited.
DF has Obama fever.
KP says "Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones we've been waiting for. We are the change that we seek."- Barack Obama.
SB is starting to get choked up already! :).
SW inagurates.
KL is excited for my niece, Kyla,(18) who is in D.C right now, what a great memory for her!
CR is excited about today's events!
EP is breathless with excitement.
MG is happy! We are finally getting a leader!!!!!
HR is proud to see this day.
SM can't wait to watch the inauguration - so excited and so proud!
DP is talking to NBC White House Correspondent Tom Costello, he's on the steps of the White House!! Amazing day!
LM is wondering what famous inspirational words will come from Barack Obama's speech today!
Monday, January 19, 2009
My parents gave me and Todd a 3-day 2 night all inclusive vacation to Peaceful Valley Ranch in Lyons Colorado. They provide 3 meals a day...they will even pack you a picnic lunch if you wanted to go on a hike or snowmobile all day. Snowmobiling and snow shoeing is all inclusive in the winter months....and horseback riding and hay rack rides are included in the spring and summer months. Plus...the fishing is gold medal waters. How cool is that? Now we just have to figure out when we want to go. All of the private cabins have hot tubs and are super romantic. We think my parents are pushing for grand babies....don't you?
Ahhh a day off
My office is closed for MLK day. Can you say 3 day weekend? Some sweet Emily time today. Poor Todd has to work. Think I will eat cold pizza, watch Price is Right and blog....and maybe later get a massage. Sounds like a great day to me!!
Last night Todd and I were talking about what an historic week this week is. Today is Martin Luther King day....and tomorrow....our country will swear in the first African American President. I was in awe watching the coverage of the concerts held at the Lincoln Memorial over the weekend. Hundreds of thousands of people showed up to witness this amazing and historic event. As I scanned the faces in the crowd I saw young and old, white and black, all socioeconomic groups....it was a-maz-ing. I hope the rest of the world is watching the United States of America rally behind our new leader and the leader of the Free World....regardless of who they voted for....we are united once again. Makes me proud to be an American.
As a total side note, some lady in a ridiculous shirt just won a car on Price is Right. I met Drew Carey once. I was working in radio and we did a broadcast from the grand opening of the new Disney California Adventure. I was standing in the amusement park right on the ocean watching the Beach Boys on stage with John Stamos on the drums....with a lobster tail on a stick in one hand and a beer in the other hand....hell yes I was eating lobster on a stick...and it was dripping with butter. Anyway....I turn and look at a guy standing next to me also enjoying a lobster on a stick and had a beer in the other hand and said, "Seriously, does it get ANY better than this?" And he smiled at me and said, "I don't think it could, I mean c'mon lobster on a stick? Beer?" We both laughed. I turned back to him and said, "You're Drew Carey." And he said yes. I said, "I didn't recognize you without your glasses on." And he replied, "I got lasik so I only wear my glasses on stage, on tv...you know." We went on talking about how cool lasik surgery was for both of us and parted ways.
Man....I have a lot of things going through my head right now.
Last night Todd and I were talking about what an historic week this week is. Today is Martin Luther King day....and tomorrow....our country will swear in the first African American President. I was in awe watching the coverage of the concerts held at the Lincoln Memorial over the weekend. Hundreds of thousands of people showed up to witness this amazing and historic event. As I scanned the faces in the crowd I saw young and old, white and black, all socioeconomic groups....it was a-maz-ing. I hope the rest of the world is watching the United States of America rally behind our new leader and the leader of the Free World....regardless of who they voted for....we are united once again. Makes me proud to be an American.
As a total side note, some lady in a ridiculous shirt just won a car on Price is Right. I met Drew Carey once. I was working in radio and we did a broadcast from the grand opening of the new Disney California Adventure. I was standing in the amusement park right on the ocean watching the Beach Boys on stage with John Stamos on the drums....with a lobster tail on a stick in one hand and a beer in the other hand....hell yes I was eating lobster on a stick...and it was dripping with butter. Anyway....I turn and look at a guy standing next to me also enjoying a lobster on a stick and had a beer in the other hand and said, "Seriously, does it get ANY better than this?" And he smiled at me and said, "I don't think it could, I mean c'mon lobster on a stick? Beer?" We both laughed. I turned back to him and said, "You're Drew Carey." And he said yes. I said, "I didn't recognize you without your glasses on." And he replied, "I got lasik so I only wear my glasses on stage, on tv...you know." We went on talking about how cool lasik surgery was for both of us and parted ways.
Man....I have a lot of things going through my head right now.
Friday, January 02, 2009
Broncos Blues
Last night Todd sarcastically shouted from the kitchen, "Hey Em, when is the Bronco's playoff game this weekend?" Humpf. I have Broncos blues. My beloved Broncos are not in the playoffs again this year AND Mike Shannahan got fired. I have mixed feelings about his firing. After watching the press conference on Wednesday morning, I had this lump in my gut. Mike sure acted like a total professional. I was so impressed....and sad. When Mike said he didn't get the job done and that is why he was fired...my heart broke. Dang. No boo hoo. No pointing the finger. He OWNED it. Wow. I sure wish we had won that San Diego game. But things happen for a reason. Maybe it was time for a change. I thought about Mike and his family in New Years Eve....wondering if they were able to celebrate. Broncos blues suck. Kinda like the Broncos last 3 seasons.
This week
This week has been so WEIRD. Todd has been on vacation since 12/23. I worked Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday (NYE) and today (Friday). I feel like I had 2 Mondays and 2 Fridays. Today I was talking about one of our programs on the radio station that airs on Saturdays....and thought today was Monday. WEIRD. Yawn....need some coffee.
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