Last year at this time I was dating this guy named Joseph for about 2 months. He seemed cool and we were having a great time. Then one night out of the blue he called me in the middle of the night really drunk. He was ranting about something and I told him to call me tomorrow...that I couldn't understand what he was saying...said goodbye...and hung up. Well. He called back about 20 times....both home and cell. I turned off the ringers after the first 5 calls. He left a series of nutcase voicemails. I never called him again. Cut to yesterday. On the radio station's website, we have a button for FEEDBACK. These emails go to pretty much the whole staff...including our CEO, CFO and COO. Sweet. Joseph sends the following email. Feedback:
Please have Enily call us, we might have a way to promote our company along witho yours in a very low cost and non-obvious situation. We would like to talk to her first, she made the pitch that stuck with us. thanks, JCB Made a pitch that stuck with us. Blah. And notice that this GED hopeful didn't include his PHONE number in the email for me to call him back. AND he spelled my name wrong. People kept coming by and asking me what the hell that email was all about. I tell 'em "I dunno." It didn't occur to me WHO it was until I hit REPLY on his email...and his email address popped up in the TO: field. Sweet. Then once I told my boss that I know who this guy is...and explained the situation...and that I won't be replying to him...we all got a good laugh. Coo Coo Coo. I sure do know how to pick 'em. LOL!
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