Thursday, March 02, 2006


There is always a ruckus by my office. Especially when it's warm outside like today.
If it's not the guy dressed as Abe Lincoln hollering about our government.
Or the cute old guy who plays Big Band songs on his clarinet and stomping his foot... all the while selling blow-pop suckers for 25 cents each.
Or the robot guy.... oh man...the human robot guy...this guy wears a silver outfit from head to toe and even paints his face silver...and walks like a robot... up and down the street. Oh and did I mention he's a mime? I tried to talk to him once. No words...but he did a poor mime routine. I always picture him having some executive high-powered job...and he does this as his secret double life. Ha.
Or the guy with is 3 kids handing out religious pamphlets and preaching while the kids wave signs that read "Jesus Saves"....DURING THE SCHOOL DAY.
Or the group of protesters who picket in front of a different building's the same 15 people.... they are hired picketers I guess. And one of 'em has a bull-horn and shouts "What do we want?" and the picketers shout "Justice". And then the bull-horn guy says, "When do we want it?" and the picketers shout, "Now!" Over and over again.
Or it's the 500 ankle-bitters outside the Old Spaghetti Factory who have just carb-loaded and sugar-loaded for the past hour and are just thrilled to be out of they shout every word.
Or it's the mall-rats on the mall begging for your change or your lunch left-overs.
Or the shoe-shine guy shouting at people telling them that their shoes need a good shine. One time he told me that I needed a shoe shine...I was wearing canvas tennis shoes. Humpf.
Or the girl who doesn't seem to notice or care that she is shouting on her cell phone on a crowded Shuttle Bus.
Or the guy who shouts nonsense while waving a sign that reads "Abortion causes Breast Cancer".
Or the skateboarders who use buildings and skateparks...and don't even notice the people walking by.
Gotta LOVE working downtown....never a dull moment.

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