This 1/2 Irish girl's St. Patrick's Day was just another day...nuttin' too special. I missed my favorite holiday meal at my parent's house.... Corned Beef and Cabbage... because I was sick last weekend and didn't want to give my cold to my grandparents or parents (who left today for a 10-day Caribbean cruise). Yesterday we had the beer and pizza party at work I put together to meet my new staff members...but after that...I went home. My co-workers all went to some Irish pub...but the thought of being around a ton of really drunk people just wasn't sounding fun to me. Plus, if I was to go out and have more than a couple beers...I would want to take a cab home...and it's nearly impossible to get a cab on any of the amateur night holidays.
Cut to about 6 hours later. I am sitting on the couch watching "Just Like Heaven" drinking a glass of wine. My very drunk brother calls and begs me to come pick him up. He's been at some Irish bar called "Patricks" in Aurora for hours and can't get a cab to come home. I tell him that I have had a couple glasses of wine...and I can't risk going out and getting BOTH of us killed. I beg and beg him to just sit there and wait for the not get frustrated and drive. I start to really worry and get a sick feeling in my stomach. I know Bob...and his level of patience is worse than mine. About an hour later (after pacing my living room being mad at myself for having that 3rd glass of wine) I call my brother. He is in a cab with friends and will sleep at one of their house's tonight. Whew.
So back to the movie "Just Like Heaven" starring Reese Witherspoon and Mark Ruffalo. Cute movie. I have to admit....many parts of the movie felt they were talking about MY life. Parts of it upset me. Parts of me made me laugh. Parts of it made me cry. Pretty much my recipe for a good movie.
So back to my parent's 10-day cruise. They left this morning. I am house sitting this weekend. A girl from my mom's work will be there all week. And my brother will take next weekend into the beginning of next week. This is my parent's anniversary cruise...and they so deserve it. They have planned all sorts of excursions. They will go horseback riding. Deep sea fishing. One-day boat tour. Which I said to my dad...."you two signed up for a booze-cruise?" He kinda acted shocked..."well they will have booze on the boat." And I laughed, "You guys will be on a!" Good for them....I hope they have a wonderful time. I am still in first place in the NCAA Basketball pool. Hee hee. I guess 1st place gets around $100. Sweet.
Me and my Dad's softball season starts up in 2 weeks. We will have practice on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 5:30 pm - 7 pm. And games on Fridays. We have a team of 15 little 7 or 8 year old girls. Cherill's niece is on our team. My dad requested her...and we got her. YAY! Should be interesting....or a free advertisement for birth control. Ha.
I have been dieting trying to drop a few pounds for Natalie's wedding. If I am gonna be the single sister who is 9 years older than the bride....I want to look hot. I have added another day of cardo to my workout schedule. So I on Monday: I do Spinning at lunch and Yoga Sculpt (yoga with weights) after work. Wednesdays: I do Power Yoga. Thursdays: I do another Spinning class. I have been eating more veggies. Less cheese and bread. And cutting out most alcohol. Forget that I mentioned the 3 glasses of wine from last night. Ha. Anyway...I have not lost one pound. Not one. I have noticed a change in my muscles...and I look better...but not one pound. I think I am gonna hire a personal trainer.
Natalie's wedding. Here's the latest. She picked out her wedding gown in 40 minutes. She bought one off the rack for $400...down from $1,500. She knew what she wanted in her head....found fit except for the length...she bought it. She picked her wedding site...Hudson Gardens. She picked her reception grandparent's clubhouse. And booked and paid for both in 2 hours. She is a woman with a vision. She makes decisions...and I don't see a hint of worry in her eyes. Now. On to what she wants to have at the reception. My parents gave her a chunk of change and told her it was her money to do with as she chooses. She has been refusing to have food at the reception. Her ceremony is at 4 pm...she has to have something there to eat in my opinion. I am not saying Steak and Lobster....just something. A heavy appetizer buffet might work. I have been pricing out food for her just to give her an idea. My dad has been the silent partner in this business agreement this whole time. Last Saturday....he snapped. He called me...and the conversation went something like this. Dad: "Hi Em, I have been thinking about Natalie's wedding. I think she needs to feed these people." Me: "I agree Dad, but Natalie doesn't feel that she needs to feed people. She has told me she doesn't want to spend more than $1,000 for food, cake and booze. Now you and I both know she's nuts...but this is what she wants." Dad: "Well, I have an idea. Since the wedding is in June, what about a luau/Hawaiian theme for the reception? We could have Frank's BBQ cater it. I spoke to Frank (my dad is a regular) and Frank said that he would cater it for $14.95 per person." (Insert dad listing out every menu item. It's a ton of food.) Me: "Dad, that sounds like a great long as I don't see a pig with an apple in it's mouth on a stick over a fire pit or cheesy Hawaiian have my approval. But Dad...with Natalie's 100 guests, before drinks, tip and tax...that is $1, know she doesn't want to spend that." Dad: (Now he is starting to lose his patience) "I know she doesn't. She doesn't get it. She planned a late afternoon wedding....we have to give these people a meal. (Patience lost) I WON'T LOOK CHEAP. I REFUSE TO LOOK CHEAP....LIKE I DON'T HAVE THE MONEY TO GIVE MY DAUGHTER A PROPER WEDDING. (I am trying to cut-in and tell him that no one will think he's cheap) I WILL JUST PAY FOR THE FUCKING RECEPTION. I WILL JUST HAVE HER GIVE ME $1,000 BACK OF MY MONEY...AND I WILL PAY THE REST. I REFUSE TO LOOK CHEAP." Me: "Dad, sounds great. This will make the decorations easier. I really want to be a part of the decorations to make sure it's classy....not cheesy. There will be no paper pineapples or palm trees. And Dad, promise me that there won't be a pig on a stick over a fire pit...and you have my blessing." Dad: "Fine, I am gonna call your sister now." Me: "So Dad, do you think that Natalie knew all along that if she refused to feed people...that you would...and that you would pay for it?" Dad: "Yea." He laughs. Natalie agreed to my Dad's idea.
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