Parade: OK....I made the huge mistake of making an appointment out of the office today. As I walked downtown to my meeting...I ran smack into the parade. Thousands of people in white t-shirts waving the flag of Mexico (a few American flags too) shouting/chanting in SPANISH. Wha? If you are trying to make a point and give US a message....then WHY are you speaking in Spanish? We speak ENGLISH here. Well except for them.
Paperwork: I am ok with people coming to America legally. Fill out the paperwork get a greencard and welcome to the USA. Learn to speak English, put your kids in school, get a job, get health insurance and pay into our taxes/social security, file your yearly income taxes and I am happy to have you here.
Health Insurance: Now I realize that there are many Americans that are un/under insured, and we have systems in place to make sure that they receive healthcare. Shit happens to good people...and sometimes people need help. But the vast number of illegals here are putting a strain on this system. A system that they have never paid into...just took from. Health care is expensive, yes, but part of the reason why it's expensive for those of us who PAY for that there are millions of people, mostly illegals, who are tapping into the system. What came first...the chicken or the egg?
Our Economy: The illegals who actually work here then take the money that they make HERE and instead of putting it back into our economy, they send it back to Mexico to help their economy. But then use our services and health care for free.
English: I am so sick and tired of hearing about legislation that we must translate everything into Spanish. Learn to speak English. Period.
Ludicrous: My friend's daughter got into a serious car accident with an illegal. It wasn't her was his fault. She was ok...But her car was totaled. HE was hurt pretty badly and his car was toast. Because he was illegal and didn't have car insurance, HER insurance had to pay for the entire accident...including his health guessed it...he didn't have health insurance either. If he was an American citizen...he would have gone to jail &/or to court for no car insurance and would have had to pay back any damages. Nope. He got off scott-free. He never had to go to court or pay a cent back. PLUS, he got money back from HER car insurance for his car. WHA? So the law abiding American citizen took it in the pants. Sweet.
Education: My friend who is a teacher told me that a ridiculous amount of money, time and resources go into educating the ESL kids, English as a Second Language. Teachers have to essentially run 2 different classrooms teaching to the English speaking and the Spanish speaking kids. Therefore, she feels that her English speaking kids aren't getting the education they need or deserve because she has to spend 3/4 of her time dealing with the Spanish speaking kids. She said that 99.9% of her ESL kids are on free lunch. More and more money pumped into a group of people who aren't working to give back.
I am just floored by the entitlement issues displayed by these illegals. Floored. This parade today just made me shake my head.
I am not going to just rant without giving my ideas for a solution. I know that it is expensive to get citizenship here. My dear friend from England spent thousands of dollars on visas to live and work here (even though she was married to an American citizen). I think this is part of the problem. I believe if it was free and easy to apply and receive citizenship this would be a step in the right direction. I believe that we need to police our boarders. I believe that we need to deport people living here without a green card. I believe that we need to monitor businesses to make sure that all employees are legal American citizens. I believe that we should never translate another ballot or advertisement to Spanish.... they need to learn our language to live here. Make them file for taxes...with the same penalties and laws as American citizens face. I think we need to make the changes to the greencard system and give all illegal 60 days from TODAY to get their greencard. Set up greencard/immigration/paperwork stations at the malls or online and make it easy. After July 1st, 2006, if someone is found without their greencard or drivers license, put them in jail. If they can't produce a greencard or legal US I.D. in 48 hours.... ship them back to Mexico or where ever they came from. Same goes for ME...if I can't show proper ID...I go to jail too. It's time to be responsible. I realize my ideas are only ONE step...that there are many more problems here that need attention. It's just time for action.
Something needs to be done. If we just ignore this enormous problem...then soon America will be worse than the country they fled.
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