Friday, October 28, 2005

Email idiots

There is this guy on my Home Owners Association Board of Directors with me who is an email idiot. I sent an email out this morning to my entire HOA board about how fantastic the new carpet in the building looks and Gene (who by the way is in his late 30's early 40's and SHOULD know how to email) hits reply to just me...and addresses the board with a comment on the carpet and includes a question for another gal on the board. I write him back and tell him that he needs to either click "Reply All" on his original email or forward his email to Christel directly. He freaking sends the same email to me and himself basically he hit reply all on the email I sent him. DUH! I had to laugh...and then I forwarded the email to Christel...and copied Gene. How is it that a guy who has taken the time to get an email address and checks his email often.... doesn't understand how to actually send an email? It's not like he's trying to do something "tough" like an attachment (hope you can smell the burning sarcasm). I am cranky today. I will probably read this another day and think... damn Emily... have some patience. But stupid people annoy me.

1 comment:

Di said...

Why does he even bother. Another thing, when people forward you something that was forwarded to them a hundred times, remove all that junk from having been forwarded. Bothersome. I don't want to have to scroll a whole page to see what someone sent me. People need to learn to USE e-mail. I think it is funny that you had to forward it FOR him.