Monday, October 10, 2005

My lunch rocks

I went to dinner with my mom last night. It was sooo fun. Now that we are adults we get along so well. It's funny... once a year... my mom calls me to go to dinner... just the two of us. My dad and bro go hunting on this super expensive guided trip and my mom feels that she needs to even the playing field and take me to an expensive dinner. Honestly, I don't care if my parents spend money on my bro...but it makes her feel better... so I go... hell... free is my favorite kind of food. I picked Elway's restaurant. I have always wanted to check that place out. Much to my surprise the decor was elegant and tasteful and there wasn't ONE picture or statue of John Elway to be found. The food was amazing. I had a filet and asparagus...and am enjoying the left overs today. Several people have stopped by to see where the delish smell is coming from.... ahhh...lunch envy. It's the small things.

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